(Multithreading C++) 7. Thread Synchronization
07 January 2023
[ Multithreading C++ ]

I. Thread Synchronization

Example coordination between workers

Worker A is writing a document
Worker A need an image that Worker B is producing
Worker A cannot coutinue until Worker B has finished

Solution is to introduce a manger

B is working
A is waiting
B finishes their work
B tells manager
Manager tells A to resume 
A resumes work

It is the same with the coordination between threads

- One thread fetches the data over the network

- Another thread display a progress bar

- A third thread will process the data when the download is complete
Dead Lock
Dead Lock

1. Communication between threads

The threads run concurrently:
- The data fetching thread runs continually
- The progress bar thread waits for information
- The processor thread waits until all the data has been recived
When the download is complete:
- The data fetching thread terminates
- The progress bar thread terminates
- The processor thread runs

2. Data sharing between threads

The downloaded data is shared by all three threads
- The data fetching thread appends to it
- The progress bar thread calculates its size
- The processor thread uses the data
Potential Data Race
- Multiple threads
- Modification

3. Coordination of Threads

We will use to bools to coordinate the threads
- "progress" flag
	- the fletching thread sets this when it has new data
	- the progress bar thread checks this flag
- "complete" flag 
	- the fetching thread sets this when it finishes
	- the other two threads check this flag
- Potential Data Race
	- Multiple threads
	- Modification
- Use mutexes

Hot loop

A hot loop in C++ refers to a section of code that is executed repeatedly and frequently, often in a tight loop.

  • We need to lock the mutex while checking a bool
//In progress bar task function
std::lock_guard data_lck(data_mutex);
  • The thread will run flat out
    • The processor core will will run at 100%
    • Other threads cannot do usefull work
    • Uses a lot of electricity
  • Thr fetcher thread can not set the flag

Hot loop Avoidance

  • To avoid it, unlock the mutex inside the loop
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> data_lck(data_mutex);

  • Sleeping allows other threads to use the core

  • The fetcher thread can set the flag

Example threads coordination practical

Example progress_bar.cpp bellow:


// Simulation of a program which performs a download
// One thread featches the data
// Another thread displays a progress bar
// A third thread processes the data when the download is complete
// Implemented using bools to communicate between the threads
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <string>

using namespace std::literals;

// Shared variable for the data being fetched
std::string sdata;

// Flags for thread communication
bool update_progress = false;
bool completed = false;

// Mutexes to protect the shared variables
std::mutex data_mutex;
std::mutex completed_mutex;

// Data fetching thread
void fetch_data()
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
		std::cout << "Fetcher thread waiting for data..." << std::endl;

		// Update sdata, then notify the progress bar thread
		std::lock_guard<std::mutex> data_lck(data_mutex);
		sdata += "Block" + std::to_string(i+1);
		std::cout << "sdata: " << sdata << std::endl;
		update_progress = true;

	std::cout << "Fetch sdata has ended\n";

	// Tell the progress bar thread to exit
	// and wake up the processing thread
	std::lock_guard<std::mutex> completed_lck(completed_mutex);
	completed = true;

// Progress bar thread
void progress_bar()
	size_t len = 0;

	while (true) {
		std::cout << "Progress bar thread waiting for data..." << std::endl;

		// Wait until there is some new data to display
		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> data_lck(data_mutex);
		while (!update_progress) {

		// Wake up and use the new value
		len = sdata.size();

		// Set the flag back to false
		update_progress = false;

		std::cout << "Received " << len << " bytes so far" << std::endl;

		// Terminate when the download has finished
		std::lock_guard<std::mutex> completed_lck(completed_mutex);
		if (completed) {
			std::cout << "Progress bar thread has ended" << std::endl;

void process_data()
	std::cout << "Processing thread waiting for data..." << std::endl;

	// Wait until the download is complete
	std::unique_lock<std::mutex> completed_lck(completed_mutex);   // Acquire lock

	while (!completed) {


	std::lock_guard<std::mutex> data_lck(data_mutex);
	std::cout << "Processing sdata: " << sdata << std::endl;

	// Process the data...

int main()
	// Start the threads
	std::thread fetcher(fetch_data);
	std::thread prog(progress_bar);
	std::thread processor(process_data);


In this example we can see this is not ideal: too many loops, too much explicit locking and unlocking, how do we choose the sleep suration.

So the better solution:

  • Thread A indicates that it is waiting for something
  • Thread B does the “something”
  • Thread A is woken up and resumes

II. Condition Variable

std::condition_variable is a synchronization primitive in C++ that is used with a std::mutex to block one or more threads until another thread modifies a shared variable and notifies the waiting thread(s).


  • Thread A indicates the condition variable it is waiting
  • Thread B notifies the condition variable when it updates the string
  • The condition variable wakes thread A up
  • Thread A then uses the string

  • Defined in
  • wait()
    • Takes an argument of type std::unique_lock
    • It unlocks its argument and blocks the thread until a notification is received
  • wait_for() and wait_until()
    • Re-lock their argument if a notification is not received in time
  • notify_one()
    • Wake up one of the waiting threads
    • The scheduler decides which thread is woken up
  • notify_all() -Wake up all the waiting threads ```


+ Thread A locks the mutex 
	- It calls the condition variable's wait() member function
	- The condition variable unlocks the mutex
	- The condition variable block this thread

+ Thread B locks the mutex
	- It modifies the string and unlocks the mutex
	- It calls notify_one()

+ The condition variable wakes thread A up
	- The wait() call returns with the mutex locked
	- Thread A resumes execution and uses the string

Example condition variable

Example condition_variable.cpp bellow:


// Condition variable example
// The reader thread waits for a notification
// The writer thread modifies the shared variable "sdata"
// The writer thread sends a notification
// The reader thread receives the notification and resumes
// The reader thread uses the new value of the shared data
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>

using namespace std::literals;

// The shared data
std::string sdata;

// Mutex to protect critical sections
std::mutex mut;

// The condition variable
std::condition_variable cond_var;

// Waiting thread
void reader()
	// Lock the mutex
	std::cout << "Reader thread locking mutex\n";
	std::unique_lock<std::mutex> uniq_lck(mut);
	std::cout << "Reader thread has locked the mutex\n";

	// Call wait()
	// This will unlock the mutex and make this thread
	// sleep until the condition variable wakes us up
	std::cout << "Reader thread sleeping...\n";

	// The condition variable has woken this thread up
	// and locked the mutex
	std::cout << "Reader thread wakes up\n";

	// Display the new value of the string
	std::cout << "Data is \"" << sdata << "\"\n";

// Notifying thread
void writer()
		// Lock the mutex
		std::cout << "Writer thread locking mutex\n";

		// Lock the mutex
		// This will not be explicitly unlocked
		// std::lock_guard is sufficient
		std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck_guard(mut);
		std::cout << "Writer thread has locked the mutex\n";

		// Pretend to be busy...

		// Modify the string
		std::cout << "Writer thread modifying data...\n";
		sdata = "Populated";

	// Notify the condition variable
	std::cout << "Writer thread sends notification\n";

int main()
	// Initialize the shared string
	sdata = "Empty";

	// Display its initial value
	std::cout << "Data is \"" << sdata << "\"\n";

	// Start the threads
	std::thread read(reader);
	std::thread write(writer);



  1. James Raynard, Learn Multithreading with Modern C++ Udemy.